This tool is called the Mail Merge Manager and it will save you a lot of time, since you won’t have to retype each recipient’s information. Instead of changing the text for each label individually, there is a way to import mailing addresses from your Office Address Book or from an Excel or Word document. The remaining steps are the same as the corresponding ones listed above.Scroll through the drop-down menu and you will see the “Labels” option.Click on “Tools” in the menu bar at the top of the screen.Making a Label in Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac In the first new window, type in the text that you want to appear on the label.Click “OK” in this window and it will close.For example, one product number corresponds to the template for a document with a 3×3 grid of labels, while another product number corresponds to the template for a document with a 4×6 grid of labels. The product number indicates which template you should be using. This number is printed on your box of label paper. You will also need to enter the product number. In this second new window, plug in the information about the label vendor and the type of printer that you are using.Click on the “Options” button in the new window.After clicking on “Labels,” a new window will open up. Click on the “Labels” tab in the menu bar beneath the menu at the top of the document.Click on the “Mailings” option in the bar at the top of the document.Open a blank document in Microsoft Word.

Here’s what you need to know about how to use these templates: Making a Label in Microsoft Office 2013 Using a template means that you don’t have to manually format your document for the label measurements that you need. These templates already have the right layouts and measurements for several sizes and brands of labels. The program has a number of built-in templates for label-making. By using Microsoft Word to create labels, you can save yourself the time it would take filling out each one by hand.